The Workshop on Security Frameworks
The 2009 Workshop on Security Frameworks

Workshop on Security Frameworks

WSF14 - The 2014 Workshop on Security Frameworks
"Know your Enemy"

  Thursday, 11th December 2014
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
Università di Catania

WSF14 - The 2014 edition
Even a popular rock band sang ``Know your Enemy'' a few years back. All the more is the need felt to reinstate it here today. Call it data security, computer security or cyber security, the story remains unvaried: security has generally got to do with the protection of valuables from enemies; because digital valuables are widespread in our digital society era, then so are enemies. Before you endeavour in understanding your enemy, you've got to realise that there may be one!

This year's workshop ignites the discussion by advancing four notable scenarios where the enemy may lie. It would seem that, although web applications bear the traditional incarnation of the enemy, the particulars are most cunning, hidden as they are through innovative malware or in the creases of single sign-on implementations. And apparently innocuous experiences for the layman, such as sitting for a qualifying exam, or having a smart meter installed at home, may bring forward perhaps more covert scenarios.

Do come along and get inspired!

Talk abstracts

Workshop Programme

Workshop Location
11th  December 2014
, Aula Magna, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università di Catania, ITALY.