Laboratorio di Sistemi a Microcontrollore

A.A. 2022-2023

  1. OpenSTM32
  2. STM32 Cube F4
  3. How to create a project with STM32 Workbench
  5. STM32 Board Part List


  1. Esame del 27/01/2020
  2. Esame del 20/02/2020


Lesson Slides
  1. Introduction to microcontrollers
  2. Logic Circuits and Signals
  3. The Digital I/O Interface
  4. Using the 7-Segments Display
  5. Using External Interrupts
  6. Example: Fuel Pump
  7. Using Timers
  8. The Analog-to-Digital Converter
  9. Using UART
  10. Esercitazione del 16/11/2022
  11. Exercise (cancello automatico): Solution
  12. The Analog-to-Digital Converter
  13. Exercise (timer)
  14. Bitwise operations
  15. Digital I/O using bitwise operations
  16. Alternate Function Mapping in STM32F401RE
  17. Using Timer with Capture/Compare/PWM
  18. Using UART
  19. Basics of Electronics
  20. Case-Study: Driving a 4-digit 7-segments display
  21. The I2C Interface
  22. Case-Study: Driving a DC Motor
  23. The Startup Sequence of STM32
  24. The Clock Circuit of STM32
  25. Example: a minimal "shell" to handle commands with a generic structure
  26. The Serial Peripheral Interface
  27. The Controller Area Network Interface


Materiale Anno accademico 2017-18
Copyright (C) 2017, Corrado Santoro