12th European Conference on Artificial Life

September 2-6 2013, Taormina, Italy

Designing, Programming, Evolving, Simulation and Synthesis of Natural and Artificial Living Systems
"What is Life?", Erwin Schrödinger.
Villa Diodoro Hotel is within walking distance from the historical center of Taormina:

Hotel Villa Diodoro
Via Bagnoli Croci 75
98039 Taormina, Messina, Italy
T: +39 0942 2 33 12
F: +39 0942 2 33 91
E: diodoro@gaishotels.com
W: http://www.hotelvilladiodoro.com/
W: http://www.hotelvilladiodoro.com/en/how-to-reach-us.html

See Location & Transport for information and directions to Taormina and Villa Diodoro’s web site for more information on the conference venue.
The hotel offers 2 main conference rooms, 5 meeting rooms and an open terrace for coffee breaks. The plenary room can to accommodate more than 250 people. All the rooms are equipped with wi-fi connection.
The Secretarial and conference facilities: Direct-dial telephone, Fax-PC, WI-FI/ADSL lines, Production room, Photocopier, Conference speaker system, Portable microphones, Light dimming, Overhead projector, Flip chart, Slide projector, Movie projector, Laser pointer, Podium, Stage-Catwalk, Post congress, Transfer to/from airport*.
Plenary talks and introductions to the poster sessions will be held in one of the main conference rooms while the actual poster sessions will be held in the other main room. Tutorials and Workshops will be held in the 4 meeting rooms.