12th European Conference on Artificial Life

September 2-6 2013, Taormina, Italy

Designing, Programming, Evolving, Simulation and Synthesis of Natural and Artificial Living Systems
"What is Life?", Erwin Schrödinger.

Artificial Life is an interdisciplinary undertaking that investigates the fundamental properties of living systems through the simulation and synthesis of biological entities and processes. It also attempts to design and build artificial systems that display properties of organisms, or societies of organisms, out of abiotic or virtual parts.

ECAL, the European Conference on Artificial Life, is a biennial event that alternates with the US-based Alife conference series.

We look forward to seeing you in Taormina - Italy!
Over the past two decades, biological knowledge has grown at an unprecedented rate, giving rise to new disciplines such as systems biology - testimony of the striking progress of modeling and quantitative methods across the field. During the same period, highly speculative ideas have matured, and entire conferences and journals are now devoted to them. Synthesizing artificial cells, simulating large-scale biological networks, storing and making intelligent use of an exponentially growing amount of data, exploiting biological substrates for computation and control, and deploying bio-inspired engineering are all cutting-edge topics today.
ECAL 2013 will leverage the remarkable development of biological modeling and extend the topics of Artificial Life to the fundamental properties of living organisms: their multiscale pattern-forming morphodynamics, their autopoiesis, robustness, capacity to self-repair, cognitive capacities, and co-adaptation at all levels, including ecological ones. ECAL 2013 will bring together a large interdisciplinary community of biologists, computer scientists, physicists, and mathematicians. It will invite them to reflect on how traditional boundaries between disciplines have become blurred, and to revisit in depth what constitutes "life".