Giampaolo Bella

Ph.D. (Cambridge)

Professor of Computer Science
(Professore Ordinario INF/01)

Hardening, since 2015

Coordinator of a Hackaton centred over the security of modern Operating Systems

Facebook@DMI Workshop, 2015

Organiser of a Facebook@DMI Workshop with over 10 FB Software Specialists giving talks and interacting with local researchers

Capture The Flag, since 2014

Coordinator of a Cyber Range to attract ethical hacking enthusiasts

Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security, since 2011

Co-inventor and Co-chair of the Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security, defining a crucial research strand in cybersecurity

Workshop on Security Frameworks, since 2003

Inventor and chair of the Workshop on Security Frameworks, bringing together forefront speakers over the years

Security Track at ACM SAC, since 2002

Inventor and Co-track-chair of the Security Track at the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, a rank B event with as low as 15% acceptance rate