Viale A. Doria 6 Catania 95125 - Tel.:095-738.3006




Prof. Lucia Marino, PhD

Associate Professor Geometry MAT/03

Department of Mathematical Sciences 95100- University of Catania- Italy

email: lucia.marino@unict.it



Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Catania, Italy, 2002

Thesis Title: On conductor degrees for 0-dimensional schemes. Advisor: Prof. Ragusa Alfio.

M.Sc. in Mathematics, University of Catania, Italy, 1996
Thesis Title: Limitazioni
 sui numeri di Betti graduati

Advisor: Prof. Ragusa Alfio.



Teaching Experience

  • Course of Linear Algebra and Geometry for students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science at the University of Catania.

  • Course of Linear Algebra and Geometry for students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering at the University of Catania

Other activities

- Member Editorial Board "Advances in Pure Mathematics”

- Reviewer per Mathematical Reviews dell’AMS dal 2004.

Research interests

Graph theory and Design theory: existence, coloring ,and balancing problems for graph designs and hypergraph designs and on blocking sets.

Another research field is algebraic geometry.










See my Publications webpage.





  1. Bonacini, M.G. Cinquegrani, L. Marino, Algebra Lineare: Esercizi svolti, Ed. Cavallotto, Catania 2012.

  2. Bonacini, M.G. Cinquegrani, L. Marino, Geometria Analitica: Esercizi svolti, Ed. Cavallotto, Catania 2012.






2005-2007 Postdoctoral research fellow for two years, Faculty of engineering of Catania, Italy

2005 Visitor at the University of Berkely, California (USA).

2003 Fellowship, Department of Mathematics in Tucson, University of Arizona (USA) for six months with support of the University of Catania.

2002-2004 Postdoctoral research fellow for two years, by Department of Mathematics in Catania.